Root Canal Re -Treatment
Root Canal Re-treatment (Re-RCT) is performed when a previously root canal-treated tooth becomes re-infected. Like the standard root canal treatment, either may cause this:
Unsuccessful Root Canal Treatment
Leaky Fillings
Deep Cracks in Tooth
Tooth Decay
The above would allow bacteria to gain access back into the root canal, which can cause the previous root canal treatment to fail.
If this happens, you will have two options to resolve the problem, either extraction or root canal re-treatment. We always aim to save natural teeth at Holistic Dental Center, so we recommend Re-RCT as your first choice where appropriate.
Re-RCT is a similar procedure to standard RCT, except instead of removing just the infected tissue, the specialist would need to remove the previous filling material (Gutta-Percha), clean, disinfect and shape the tooth canals again.
Due to the complex nature of Re-RCT, it may take 2-3 appointments under local anesthesia to complete the procedure.
Once the tooth is completely cleared of bacteria and old filling material, the specialist will re-fill the canal with new Gutta-Percha material.
To give your root-filled tooth the best chance, we recommend crowning the tooth (particularly a molar or a premolar tooth). The crown would ensure that the tooth is fully protected and prevent fracture of the tooth that may necessitate extraction of other successfully treated teeth.
After the Treatment
You may require over-the-counter painkillers for a few days after treatment is completed. After that, the tooth should not feel pain, but the area may feel slightly sensitive just because we have been working on it. In a few cases, we may prescribe an antibiotic.